6, 7 or 8 Hour Layover in Warsaw Poland – Ultimate Guide You Need to Know

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If you have a long layover in Warsaw, then this guide is for you. We discuss what is possible to accomplish on a 6, 7 or 8 hour layover in Warsaw, Poland. We also provide you with some useful tips that can help you plan out your layover in Warsaw better.

During our trip to Iceland, we chose Warsaw as our intermediary stop from France. The first way, we did an overnight itinerary (which we share in our Warsaw one day guide soon) and the way back to France, we did a 7 hour layover.Β 

In this guide, we will provide you with some insights on having a layover in Warsaw, how easy it is to exit the airport, and potentially sightsee during this time. Let’s look into the essential points below!

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Layover in Warsaw Poland

For us, Warsaw is one of the best cities in Europe to do a layover in. As the capital of Poland, the airport is very organized, a breeze to go through, and quite near the city center.Β 

If you’re wondering whether you should choose to do that long layover in Warsaw in a flight that you’ve been eyeing, we’re here to tell you to go for it! Here are some essential insights to take note below:

  • There are various security controls in Warsaw, being a large airport. If you’re coming from outside of Europe, even if the immigration or customs line is long, it’s quite organized so you can get in and out of the airport in 20 to 30 minutes.
  • If you’re coming from within the European Union, it’s even faster because you simply have to exit the plane and be on your way.
  • From Warsaw Airport to the city center, the duration takes only about 20 minutes by car. We suggest downloading the ride-hailing apps of Free Now or Uber before arriving Warsaw.Β 
  • There are also trains and buses into the city which take about 20 to 30 minutes.Β This method is better during rush hour, but we personally used Free Now as it was so affordable given that we split the cost and it is much faster by car.
  • Once in the city center or also known as the Historical Old Town, it’s all completely walkable. You don’t need to be transported from one place to another since the highlights of Warsaw are mostly in the center.
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Layover in Warsaw

6 Hour Layover in Warsaw

So you have a 6 hour layover in Warsaw and are wondering if that’s enough time to leave the airport and discover the city? By all means yes!

A 6 hour layover in Warsaw is more than enough time to:

– Leave the airport which should take no more than 30 minutes.

– Get to the city center which should also take no more than 30 minutes. Since you are limited in time, we recommend taking the Uber or Free Now method into the old town, as it will be the fastest way to get to the center without waiting for the bus or train to depart.

– That gives you roughly 3 hours (considering you should be back in the airport at least 2 hours before your flight).

– 3 hours gives you enough time to walk around the Historical Old Town, buy some souvenirs, and even have a quick bite at a Polish restaurant.

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The Historical Old Town of Warsaw

7 Hour Layover in Warsaw

Having a 7 hour layover in Warsaw is plenty of time to leave the airport and sightsee. The extra hour will allow you to take your time walking from one end of the historical old town to the other.

A 7 hour layover in Warsaw is more than enough time to:

– Get out of the airport which should take a duration of no more than 30 minutes.

– Travel to the city center which should also take a duration of no more than 30 minutes. We’d recommend with the time available to either take the train or taxi (Uber or Free Now) method.

– This gives you roughly 4 hours (with the assumption that you should be back in the airport at least 2 hours before your flight).

– 4 hours gives you enough time to walk each end of the historical old town – from the Royal Castle all the way to the Palace of Culture and Science, and also, have a nice seat-down meal in the process!

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Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw

8 Hour Layover in Warsaw

Having an 8 hour layover in Warsaw is almost like a full day of sightseeing. It gives you a lot of time to take your time leaving the airport and leisurely see the city, maybe even visit one of the gardens or observation decks during the stopover.

AnΒ 8 hour layover in Warsaw is more than enough time to:

– Leave the airport in a leisure manner.

– Travel to the city center through any of the methods (bus, train, taxi).

– This gives you roughly 5 hours to discover the city which is a lot of time, almost like a full day of sightseeing.

– 5 hours gives you enough time to walk the whole area of the historical old town, have a nice meal, and even visit a more offbeat spot like the Jewish Cemetery, the viewing terrace of the Palace of Culture and Science, or one of the beautiful parks or gardens in the city (Lazienki Park, Saxon Garden).

– You can even go on a tour or concert of 1-3 hours in the city. Below are some of the top picks of visitors in Warsaw.

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Street Scenes of Warsaw

Our Final Thoughts

So there you have it! We hope this helps you figure out how to go about your layover in Warsaw.

Whether you have a 6, 7 or 8 hour layover in Warsaw – these are all doable times to visit the main highlights of the capital and discover the Historical Old Town at the very least.

Given that the airport is so near the city center and that Warsaw’s transportation system is pretty developed, we definitely recommend that you leave the airport within this time frame.

Not to mention, it’s very affordable to travel around Poland. Even aspects like taking the taxi or a ride sharing app will only set you back a couple of euros and make the whole experience more convenient.

We recommend that you plan ahead what you want to do and which method you plan to take. For us, we took Free Now (download the app before arriving in Warsaw), and were able to walk around the old town, go up the viewing deck at the Palace of Culture and Science, and even have a nice meal during our 7 hour layover in Warsaw.

What about you? Have you ever been to a layover in Warsaw? Was it more than enough time for you to visit the city? Let us know your questions or travel stories in the comments below!

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