10 More Underrated Places to Go in Bali with Free Map

10 More Unfrequented and Underrated Places to Go in Bali

If you’re reading this, then you probably already know that the island of Bali is quite the touristy place. But fear not, because there are still more unfrequented and underrated places to go in Bali! It all’s about being mindful with what you want to do and taking thoughtful steps to ensuring you don’t fall back into the overrated tourist traps. In this list, we will show you some of the activities we discovered that will make you feel more laidback and more present in Bali. We also provide you at the end of the article a googleΒ map that you can use to get to these spots.

Go to the more secluded waterfalls

Bali is home to various waterfalls – all an easy drive away. For a better experience, we recommend that you go to the lesser known waterfalls further into the island. There will be way less people and the waterfalls are much more beautiful.

Our favorite waterfalls in Bali is Banyumala Twin Waterfalls. It’s hard to get to without a motorbike and the roads are tough even with a motorbike. So always wear your helmet! When you arrive at this place, it’s a short hike down but the sight of the twin waterfalls will take your breath away and when we went, there was barely anyone around – it was a great experience.

Our tip: For water adventures, it’s always good to have a handy camera to take photos with. We have the GOPRO Hero 8 and we totally recommend it, especially if you’re an avid outdoors person like us.

Offbeat Escapades - Bali Budget Travel Guide

Go surfing in Canggu where there’s less people

Bali is a paradise for surfers! We suggest heading to the less touristy beaches of Canggu and give it a try, whether you’re a beginner or pro – there’s a wave out there for you.

Visit Handara Gate at (and only at) Sunrise

Bali is home to various gates. We only had a chance to visit the Handara Gate, which is situated in a golf course at the North of Bali. It’s around a 2 hour drive from Canggu. To do it right, we insist on actually going for sunrise! If you come before everyone else – there’s no entrance fee, no people and the lighting is just magical!

Discover the chill vibe of Batu Bolong and Berawa Beach

There are tons of beaches around Bali, some of which are absolutely horrible, just because of how crowded they are. So we recommend going to the more relaxed ones with less people. Our personal favorites are the laidback Batu Bolong and Berawa Beach, which has an array of beach front restaurants and cafes with bean bags. These two beaches are the absolute perfect, sunset spot.

Our tip: Whenever you’re at the beach, we always advise you to have the proper footwear (swear, we’ve had one too many accidents from those gnarly seashells!). So as a recommendation, we use these amazingΒ aqua shoes from Speedo, and not only are they great for swimming, they are also perfect for hiking in bodies of water like beaches or waterfalls.

Drive up to Northern Bali

This is our absolute favorite part of Bali! Like you, what we didn’t enjoy so much about Bali was that we felt that it was very touristy. It was missing that local culture that we like to observe in any place. And here in Northern Bali, we finally saw it. Get away from the crowd and drive up to this area, the view is absolutely amazing, for one, you get a sense of indonesian culture here for two and finally it’s way, way less crowded – kind of peaceful in a beautiful way. We recommend checking out spots like Pura Ulun Danu Tamblingan and Warung Makan Nerike.

Spot the rice terraces in local restaurants

Bali has a lot of rice terraces. You have villas on one side then rice terraces right beside. You can be eating in an open restaurant with a view of the rice terraces around you. So you don’t necessarily have to go to one of the popular and crowded rice terraces in Bali. We found this restaurant with a backdrop of rice terraces in Canggu called Warung Bu Mi, serving an affordable 5-viand vegan meal.

Visit the less frequented and more cultural Bali temples

Bali is full of temples. Ubud, which is quite a touristy place, is full of them, but we recommend checking out Saraswati Temple. It’s free, beautiful and without too many people around!

Another temple worth visiting is the Ulun Danu Beratan Temple. As it’s in Northern Bali and away from the center, you’ll be sure to find less people coming here especially in the morning. We were the only people there at 9am.

Our tip: Get those early morning aerial shots, they are so worth it! We use a DJI Mavic Air to get amazing images like the one above. We detail more about our camera gear in another article found in the Travel Tips section.

Hang out at your villa

There are so many amazing villas in Bali so make sure you choose a good one! For sunset or after a day out, we often went back to our villa and enjoyed a little swim or beer on the rooftop with a view of the ocean. Just us two.

Discover the less visited Bali Swings

Surely you have seen pictures of the bali swing and more than the β€œinstragrammableness” of the spot, the swing is actually really fun! It’s also beautiful high up in the air, surrounded by nature. For this, we recommend going to a lesser known one called Alas Harum Bali, which also offers a free coffee tasting. The area was surrounded by some really great nests, with a backdrop of the jungle, and three different swings at different heights and prices.

Go on a Vegan buffet

We’re by no means vegan, but Bali knows how to do it well for anyone in the mood or who follows this diet. We don’t personally find this a touristy experience as there are many vegan places to enjoy. There also weren’t so many people around when we had our meals and you can truly enjoy the vegan experience.

Our Final Thoughts

So there we have it. If you’re searching for the more unfrequented and underrated places to go in Bali, then this google maps itinerary has got you covered.

We do think Bali is still worth it, if you choose to partake in the more unique activities. For us, it’s all about making that mindful choice to make the experience of even the most famous places into our own. Remember there’s magic to be found everywhere, you just have to find it!


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